A Week in GUMC: Cure Your Monday Blues

Monday...well known for being one of the worst days of the week. Once you've shrugged off those Sunday Blues and you're into the Monday blues of a new week you definitely need something to list your spirits!

Even if you're a fan of a Monday, someone who loves the feeling of a fresh new week with new opportunities, goals and aspirations...you're an inspiration to us all but we have what you need to keep those goals in line! 

So, whether you're a Monday-hater or a Monday-lover, Music Club is here to start your week off just the way it should - with friends, fun and something we all love...MUSIC! 

First up on a Monday we have our Folk Group! They play traditional music from all over the world, with no auditions required and the ability to learn new music they are sure to brighten up the start of your week. The practice is from 6.00pm-7.30pm in 14 University Gardens...that's not all, you even get to start your week with a session in Dram after rehearsal with free drinks (yes FREE drinks) and a night of entertainment. If you love folk music you'll not want to miss out. 

Monday 6pm-7.30pm
Music Department, 14 University Gardens. 

If you can't play the fiddle but you're a wind musician (or percussion) then you'll not find yourself out of place at our Wind Band practices! Also here to brighten up your week with a variety of music at 6.30pm-8.30pm (with a break in between) we have Wind Band! This group is one of our biggest at GUMC and has the full range of wind instruments from woodwind to brass and they practice in the beautiful concert hall on main campus - if walking through the cloisters at night for a nice picture is your thing then keep walking and you'll find us just off the quad! The percussion ensemble also plays alongside the Wind Band! So it's a pretty big ensemble that always has room for more. 

Monday 6.30pm-8.30pm
Glasgow University Concert Hall


Sorry to all those who can't play in these wonderful groups, but don't worry we'll be there the rest of the week from Hump day (Wednesday) all the way to the eve of the weekend - keep an eye out for what we have in store for the rest of the week from our ensembles.

See you through the week,
GUMC Committee.